

300 yd (270 m), the M16 achieved a 24 in (610 mm) grouping, and the M4 achieved a 32 in (810 mm) grouping AK-47s to shoot around 4-inch groups at 100 yards 9mm Glock consistent groups within a 2-4 inch diameter at 25 yards


Martial Arms

Armor and Clothing

Combat Gear Designed for direct engagements and damage mitigation. Examples: Kevlar vests, flak jackets, tactical helmets. Benefits: Reduces ballistic damage.

Utility Gear Provides additional functionality, like carrying capacity or specialized tools. Examples: Backpacks, utility belts, bandoliers. Benefits: Increases inventory space or access to certain skills (e.g., crafting tools).

Environmental Gear Protects against environmental hazards. Examples: Hazmat suits, cold-weather gear, gas masks. Benefits: Resistance to environmental damage like radiation, toxins, or extreme temperatures.

Stealth Gear Designed to minimize detection. Examples: Camouflage clothing, ghillie suits. Benefits: Reduces visibility and noise when sneaking.


Medical Supplies Healing and recovery items. Examples: Bandages Painkillers Antiseptic Medkits Stealth Tools Items that help avoid detection. Examples: Noise-Cancelling Footwraps Smoke Bombs Distraction Devices (e.g., decoy beepers) Combat Support Gear Items that enhance combat scenarios without being weapons. Examples: Grenades (e.g., flashbangs, smoke grenades) Trip Mines Adhesive Explosives Environmental Interaction Items that allow players to overcome environmental challenges. Examples: Breaching Charges Bolt Cutters Grappling Hook Scavenging and Looting Tools to improve resource gathering. Examples: Pickaxe Crowbar Detector (e.g., metal detector, radiation detector)